Gender is not a spectrum. XX of XY
Personalities do have a spectrum csusing busy bodies to interfere because they dont like the choices made
you couldn't make this up!
the emperor's transgender's new clothes syndrome = don't dare define their problem as being psychological, otherwise you're transphobic!.
Gender is not a spectrum. XX of XY
Personalities do have a spectrum csusing busy bodies to interfere because they dont like the choices made
the saddest story ever told.
despite being childhood sweethearts, in the year 1941 they decided to postpone marriage and remain single and childless in this system so as to put the the theocracy first, albeit under the control of the watch tower society.. in the final pages of the children book john and eunice walk silently through the fields and stop by a great tree on the river bank where they had sometime before discussed their future plans.
the young lovers seat themselves down and look over the landscape.
I have the answer for the overabundance of sisters,polygamy
“parents train your children to love jehovah “.
the title says it all really, but par 6 has this piece of advice.. “jesus likened our time to “the days of noah,” and there is no doubt that we are living in “critical times hard to deal with.” (matt.
24:37; 2 tim.
They just knocked spock. Better to follow advice from non parents who never had a job. He gave good advice on diseases and he DID advocate spanking, but not knocking noses bloody in the back of the hall. Speaker just said to seek a doctor for medical issues then thee wt comment said not to. 50 years ago we did not have an internet to look up rashes.
Noahs sons didnt have children before the flood but the bible does not say why. Could be low sperm count from trying too much, wrong hole, or a child bride. Or story massaged to fit
“parents train your children to love jehovah “.
the title says it all really, but par 6 has this piece of advice.. “jesus likened our time to “the days of noah,” and there is no doubt that we are living in “critical times hard to deal with.” (matt.
24:37; 2 tim.
A surprise pregnancy was the way out for missionaries. There are bonus babies too.
It is not in the bible that Noah's sons did not have children because the flood was coming. Maybe poor seed, trying too hard ( decreased sperm), or wufe was betrothed at 3.
Assh s just knocked spock. Way BBC wtter to follow advice from a non parent who never had a job. Spock gave good advice on diseases and offered spanking in proper light--- not knocking into a bloody nose with a bible in back if the hall.
so greta thunberg thinks the world pollutes too much.
specifically, the parts of the world that pollute the least and have the cleanest industries.
she doesn't seem to care about india or china who are the biggest polluters by far.. "how dare they".
Has anyone studied the climate in past ages? What did the huge rebound from the ice sheets do to the land, ecology, and people?
Awareness is important, but so is a realistic view of what can be done and where that leads
“parents train your children to love jehovah “.
the title says it all really, but par 6 has this piece of advice.. “jesus likened our time to “the days of noah,” and there is no doubt that we are living in “critical times hard to deal with.” (matt.
24:37; 2 tim.
The earth is full and all those resurrected ones will fill it more. So no need for sex at all. Remember the naked genderless stories? There is tiddly winks
you couldn't make this up!
the emperor's transgender's new clothes syndrome = don't dare define their problem as being psychological, otherwise you're transphobic!.
Hslf banana
Gender dysphoria is also rare. It is a birth defect. There are often other missing or malformed parts.
Another post mentions 25 being a real age for adulthood, certainly life changing operations should not be done on a child.
Society no longer defines well what makes a gender. From all men need to be John Wayne and the like to denying that women dont have upper body mass and on average are smaller.
2020-02-27 german coronavirus letter.
i will have to wait and see if we can also get the s-147 in german.
(announcements and reminders).
Translation? Or gist. Thanks
i wonder if there will be panic buying of food, guns, gas ect due to the corona virus.
what do you guys think?.
Oh damn. I forgot the WT stuff. Now I have to get some neckties and razors stocked up. And a ghost computer connection so the official letter can come through. Did any of those pictures show a bucket in the corner?
Being ready for things is common sense.
Actually just find the Mormons they have a storehouse in addition to the home supplies in most cities. A friend tells me they dont have guns but I did not believe.
how the wbts has definitely broken confidentiality in their own words!!!.
proverbs 25:9 "do not reveal what you were told confidentially".
a body of odours letter refers to this verse and instructs them when handling congregational matters involving legal issues.if an elder were to breach this (minister-communicant privilege prevents any body of odour from revealing things said in private to him by a member), then he automatically waivers the minister-client privilege.
Very typical. Once upon a time I thought things were fair. Then my son hit his 3rd strike on testimony from a non witness. Then an elders kid hit 3 and it was covered over. Every ass H around knew the story too.
Fine bunch made up the body; drunk, adulterer, self righteous, child beater , crooked business dealer and that is the ones i can think of right off